It's the weekend and time to explore France for the house of your dreams
- from the comfort of your living room. The internet is a great place to start. There are thousands of properties for sale throughout France and many sites include 'virtual tours'.
First of all check out It is run by Notaires de France and shows the average property prices for each region and department. You will be able to see which areas are in your budge.
Essential French House Buying Vocabulary
Pieces - number of rooms e.g. 3 Pieces - 3 rooms
A renover- to renovate
Refait neuf - newly restored
TBE - very good condition
A rafraichir - in need of decoration
Longere - farmhouse, rural property
Fermette - farmhouse
Une maison mitoyenne - semi detached
Une maison individualle - detached
Un pavilion - bungalow
Une cave - cellar
un salon - lounge
une salle de sejour - living room
une cuisine - kitchen
un grenier - attic
une grange - barn
au premier etage - with first floor
When you have found a few that you are interested in, contact the relevant agents. Before you know it you will be planning your first viewing trip to France.
Thank you for the information and translation. Looking for a french home would be amazing!